GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS is about the machinations of a real estate office. It's also an allegory in which two land developments – one that never got off the ground (Glen Ross) and one that probably never will (Glengarry) – represent the failed dreams of men who peddle them and the suckers who buy in. When a yuppie asshole from the home office (Alex Baldwin, in a brief scene that was written for him) appears in the seedy sales office late one rainy night to berate and humiliate the salesmen, it's clear that in David Mamet’s bleak world, even the winners are losers. You'll never see better acting by a better ensemble cast, including Al Pacino and Jack Lemmon. Watch them closely in the scene when Lemmon tells Pacino about his big sale (which turns out to be a bust). It’s some of the best acting by one actor and listening by another you'll ever see.