Brothers John and Lionel Barrymore acted together on film for the first time in
ARSÈNE LUPIN, a thoroughly delightful if dated and stagy-looking heist romp about a charming and daring thief preying on the wealthy of Paris. John plays Duke of Chamerace, who may or may not be the title character, and Lionel is Guerchard, the detective hellbent on identifying and arresting him. Alike and yet so different, the Barrymores are the perfect counterpoint to each other; John plays his role with suave sophistication, while Lionel is earthy and common, and each is obviously having a high time trying to out-chew the scenery. Listen carefully when John reacts to a squeaking door with a totally off-the-wall “OY!", and notice distinct character and plot similarities between LUPIN and much later heist films like THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR and THE PINK PANTHER.